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Behold, enter the wondrous realm of Phenix, a realm so vividly depicted within the pages of its fictional atlas that it beckons readers into a realm of boundless imagination and unparalleled adventure. Within the vibrant tapestry of Phenix, one finds themselves ensconced within an era reminiscent of the age of sail, where billowing sails dot the azure horizons and tales of daring voyages stir the hearts of all who dare to dream.

Yet, Phenix is no ordinary world; it pulsates with the palpable energy of magic, weaving its enchanting tendrils through every facet of existence. Here, arcane wonders and mystical phenomena are not merely the stuff of legend but an integral part of everyday life, shaping the destinies of its denizens and painting the landscape with hues of the extraordinary.


World Population

Total: 3,154,765,929

Aarakocra: 65,021,844 (2.1%)
Centaur: 122,248,357 (3.9%)
Dwarven: 148,446,353 (4.7%)
Elf: 146,568,207 (4.6%)
Gnome: 31,857,142 (1.0%)
Halfling: 18,765,445 (0.6%)
Human: 2,472,179,678 (78.4%)
Leonin: 3,375,825 (0.1%)
Lizardish: 12,213,690 (0.4%)
Loxodon: 114,876,945 (3.6%)
Minoraur: 1,444,385 (0.05%)
Orc: 4,936,492 (0.2%)
Otterfolk: 12,831,566 (0.4%)

Population Rank

1. Human: 2,472,179,678 (78.36%)
2. Dwarven: 14,8446,353 (4.71%)
3. Elf: 146,568,207 (4.65%)
4. Centaur: 122,248,357 (3.88%)
5. Loxodon: 114,876,945 (3.64%)
6. Aarakocra: 65,021,844 (2.06%)
7. Gnome: 31,857,142 (1.01%)
8. Halfling: 18,765,445 (0.59%)
9. Otterfolk: 12,831,566 (0.41%)
10. Lizardish: 12,213,690 (0.39%)
11. Orc: 4,936,492 (0.16%)
12. Leonin: 3,375,825 (0.11%)
13. Minoraur: 1,444,385 (0.05%)

To do List